Is Artificial Grass Suitable For Rabbits?

A grass is an investment which should be considered carefully before going ahead, if you have pet’s this consideration and planning becomes even more crucial as oftentimes the lawn becomes an extension of their living space too. In recent years we have seen a rising number of enquiries about whether artificial grass is suitable for pets such as dogs, cats and even chickens! Then, following lockdown, we’ve found we are being asked more frequently about suitability for smaller pets, most commonly artificial grass for rabbits. So our awesome team have put together this handy guide covering everything you need to know before deciding to invest in artificial grass for your rabbits.

Which artificial grass is best for rabbits?

When planning an artificial grass installation which needs to be suitable for rabbits, it’s important to ensure the type of grass used is 100% pet friendly. This means it should be made from inert, non-toxic polymers which are chemically stable and soft. In addition to this, if your grass requires an infill, we highly recommend Zeofill as it is specifically designed to absorb moisture as well as unpleasant odours and is non-toxic even if ingested. It’s also worth investing in an artificial grass which features ProFlow Polyurethane backing, this allows urine to drain through the entire backing (without having to search for drainage holes) and makes cleaning the grass as easy as giving it a sweep, followed by a good hose down.

Will Rabbits Eat Artificial Grass?

To the human eye real grass, when compared to high quality artificial grass, is uncannily similar. However to rabbits, who have a heightened sense of smell and taste, the two could not be more different. Because of this, it is unlikely that your rabbit will take to eating artificial grass because they have mistaken this for real grass. Whilst the vast majority of rabbit owners who have kept their pets on artificial grass have reported they had no problems at all, there are some rabbits who simply love to chew whatever they can get their teeth on. If you suspect your pet may end up chewing at the grass, it’s best to get a sample of the grass you would like to use and see how your rabbit behaves on the grass.

What are the benefits of artificial grass for rabbits?

There’s a whole host of benefits to investing in artificial grass for both your home and pets. For rabbits in particular, an artificial lawn creates an extension of their outdoor living space, providing a lush and comfortable surface for your rabbits to roam and play on. Artificial grass is incredibly easy to maintain and soft enough for bunnies to run around without hurting their feet, whilst closely replicating the look and feel of their natural habitat.

Is Artificial Grass Suitable For Cages/Hutches?

Not only is artificial grass the perfect solution to creating a vast space for your pets to play freely, but it can also be incredibly useful for making your rabbits hutch or cage more comfortable. Rabbits treat their hutch the same way humans treat their homes, as a safe haven to relax and unwind in. Proving an area within the hutch that has a different surface texture not only adds another level of comfort to the space in its entirety, but also gives the feel of a separate ‘room’ within the hutch which you may find your rabbit prefers to rest on when not sleeping.

We hope you find these tips helpful when deciding whether to invest in artificial grass for your rabbits. As always we love hearing from our customers and their fur babies, so if you do take the plunge and deck your rabbit’s hutch out with Yorkshire Artificial Grass, be sure to tag is on social media in any photos or videos! If you have any further questions please do not hesitate to get in touch and a member of our team will be more than happy to assist you.